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Eating My Words

Last Sunday evening I made a comment on Facebook how the Stay At Home Mom’s are happy to see Monday near, at least the ones that have kids in school.

This Monday, just a week later my life is just the opposite. The kids are staying home while this mom goes to work!  (oldest is 17)

A couple of weeks ago someone told me about a photographer position at a local car lot. 20 hours or a less a week and the job could easily work around the kids school schedule so that I could pick them up. (no they don’t, no they can’t ride the bus). I never heard from them and wasn’t going to be pushy about it. If I got called in, I got called in, no biggie.. It just sounded like a fun job to fill some of my days.

Last Tuesday I was out shopping with my girlfriend and I got text from my former Mrs. Boss asking if I wanted some temporary work. Well, of course! I LOVED working for them and left on good terms.  BUT… (don’t you hate BUT as the beginning of a sentence??) the kids had doctor appointments. One on Thursday and an all day, out of town for two boys that need the eye specialist on Friday. I told Mrs.Boss about those appointments. Her response,”Is Wednesday too soon?” Wednesday being the next day.

So, here I am a week later from my smart mouth remark on Facebook with my kids having a day off from school, and me heading to work never expecting to be anything other than a seamstress and a stay at home mom.

Happy Monday!

Who Said It Isn’t a Job?

The alarm goes off at 5:45 am, at 6 am I get up and get dressed having already set my clothes out the night before so that I can get dressed in the dark.

I stumble into the kitchen and press the button to get my coffee in my cup. On the way back to the bathroom I knock on kids doors to wake them up. I put on my make-up, holler at a kid, do my hair, do my daughter’s hair, make breakfast for the kids that want it, make sure hubby is fed, and pack my lunch.

I kiss 3 kids and hubby good-bye as the high schooler gets in the car at 7:15 am to be dropped off at school on the way to my new job.

 I drop the kid off, drive 15 minutes, find a parking spot, and find a seat in my first meeting of the day. I listen and take notes, ask questions. All the employees are asked to do projects and told what needs to be done.

On to the next meeting.. Grab a protein bar between meetings.. No time for a real lunch. I am thankful for the apple and cheese I packed and ice cold water.

Finish up the meetings for the day and pick up the kids..  Figure out what’s for supper.. get kids fed, bathed, their homework done, a load of laundry washed and dried, kids put to bed.. 

Alarm set to start all over again.

BUT going to college isn’t a full time job…..

Life is Ever Changing

Last week I was a working mom. The boss wasn’t sure if I would be there for one week or up to two months. Well, one week it was!!  I am SO not complaining either!!   I LOVE that office and the people are great to work with. I have been involved with the owners for 8 years, and have worked with them off and on for the past 3.  At the same time I am enjoying my stay-at-home mom status.

I do have another part time job though. I get to scare little kids <EVIL LAUGH>

It is not a daily job and of course is only through Oct 31st. It’s something and still gives us some Christmas money and only on the weekends (except the last week of Oct).

Tonight is my first night! If you are local to me, come on and stop by…. IF YOU DARE!!

Co-Worker Made Me Happy

Sigh… I do so love being at the office.. I didn’t realize how much I missed it. (I have worked with this company for 3 years off and on).  The job right now is just temporary and I will stay the “Fill In” or “we have a big project” person when this is over. That’s okay. That is what is best for the family at this time and keeps me in the property management business, so when I am ready to go back full time I won’t feel like I am too out of the loop.

A co-worker asked me if I had lost weight. I haven’t 😦  I have worked my butt off though) She said my hips looked thinner!!  YAY!!!  So maybe I am literally working my butt off and that is muscle weight on the scale and I have lost fat 😀   OR did she want me for something and hasn’t told me yet?? hmmmm

Oh well, it sure made my day!!!   Hubby bringing me a Throwback Pepsi was pretty awesome too!!

The hours are great too. The kids don’t even really know I was at work except that I am doing household chores in the evening.  This job is day by day though. I know I will miss it when I am not needed daily. I am SURE I will find SOMETHING to fill my time again… Like sewing and blogging.. 😀

Working Mom for a Bit

The “old office” is now the “current office” for a short bit. They are in a bind and need help. My job could end Oct 1 or anywhere between until Dec 1.  This is only a temporary situation, but comes at a great time with Christmas around the corner.

I get off in time to pick up the kids from school, just like before. What will happen next??  Who knows… I really don’t plan on staying a working Mom, I’ve done that already and really want to wait until the youngest is in middle school. (he is in kindergarten this year).

I do enjoy the office and the people I work with. I LOVE the owners. I was a volunteer for Mrs. Boss at church for 5 years,  4 of those before I became an employee.

I do feel truly blessed to have such a supportive husband. I think he prefers me to stay home (we both feel it is best for the children), but if I want to work I can. This is, of course, just a temporary thing to help some good friends out at this time.

What a crazy life this is!  ALWAYS changing!!!

Working Mom Day

I stopped working in Oct ’09 after working for the property management company for two years. We had an agreement that if the kids were in school I could fill in if needed. At the time the youngest wasn’t yet in school.  They did call me in pretty often, the youngest came with me and I got off in time to pick up all the kids from school. I was unable to work during the summer due to childcare costs issues.

Now that all the kids are in school I went to the office a couple of weeks ago to remind them that if they need me to call. AND HE DID!!  He called me Wednesday but I was too busy hacking up a lung to go in. Yesterday my former boss called me and asked if I could fill in today.

It ALMOST felt like home.. It started with me starting coffee.. Want me to work? Provide the caffeine!!! The pot is a 12 cup pot, the maker is an 8 cup maker.. So my first on the job action was mopping up water, thankfully it wasn’t hot coffee that overflowed!!!  THAN I punched in!

Later I realized I forgot to take my mucus loosening meds and texted dh. He was able to bring them to me! YAY HUBBY!!!!

It was nice to meet the new workers, and chit-chat with the old.  I am a good ‘temp’ because I already know the basics of the office, although something is ALWAYS changing!!

I won’t be surprised if they call me a bit more often now, and that is okay with me. A little break up in my routine and little pocket money too;). Plus I get to keep my foot in the real estate property management door. That is good for me as I plan to go back to work when the youngest is in 5th grade and no longer needs afterschool daycare.

It was fun, it was nice, but I still prefer being the stay-at-home mom on a regular basis.. (I am sure hubby will be glad to read that!)